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Patrick Mahomes Sr., the father of Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes, will have to spend some time in jail after pleading guilty last month to his third DWI.

The elder Mahomes accepted a plea deal for his arrest back in February which included agreeing to a five-year probation sentence with “intense” supervision for the first year.

Under Texas law, a third or subsequent DWI offense is a third-degree felony, which carries a potential sentence of 2 to 10 years in prison.

And while a decade in prison had loomed large, Mahomes Sr. escaped with a favorable deal and probation. However, he will have to spend some time locked up.

Under Texas law, Mahomes Sr. will have to serve 10 mandatory days in the county jail, according to Talk 103.9.

Patrick Mahomes Father Gets Minimal Jail Sentence For Third DWI Offense

Mahomes father, Patrick Mahomes Sr., will also reportedly have his license suspended for one year. Which is a hell of a deterrent. Especially considering that, in addition to the DWI, he was arrested in June on a charge of driving without a valid license in Smith County.

Not having a valid license doesn’t seem to stop him.

Additional repercussions for his third DWI include having a breathalyzer ignition device installed in his vehicle that he won’t be able to drive, and a continuation of AA meetings.

Mahomes Sr. expressed joy over the sentencing, suggesting he hasn’t had a drink since the arrest.

“Hopefully it will enlighten someone else to take these measures and make sure this doesn’t happen again,” he said according to KCTV.

RELATED: Patrick Mahomes’ Father Faces Up To 10 Years In Prison As Third DWI Report Indicates He Was Driving With An Open Can Of Beer

Got More Jail Time For His Second DWI

All in all, Patrick Mahomes Sr. was given a pretty good deal considering it was his third DWI. The two other incidents took place in 2018 and 2012.

The 2018 charges led to a guilty plea and the elder Mahomes was sentenced to 40 days in jail which was served on weekends.

Now, he’ll be behind bars for a quarter of that time, though the probation will likely be no picnic.

Mahomes’ third arrest for DWI came in February, just days before the Super Bowl after he admitted to having “a few beers while watching a game at a local bar.”

According to the police affidavit, he failed a field sobriety test after officers noticed an open can of beer in his vehicle.

“Based on the totality of the circumstances,” the arresting officer wrote. “I believed Patrick was impaired to a perceptible degree while operating a motor vehicle in a public place.”

Mahomes Sr. would later submit to a blood test yielding an alcohol content of 0.23. That is nearly three times the legal limit.

In case you’re wondering about preferential treatment, the Chiefs quarterback’s dad was still hopeful that even under “intense supervision” he’d be allowed to travel across the country to his son’s football games.

“It’s kind of a tradition; I normally go to all the football games. I know he enjoys me being there, so hopefully things will work out and I’ll be able to continue what I’ve been doing,” Mahomes said.

When asked about that possibility, the judge in the case said it would ultimately be up to the probation officer.

Rusty Weiss is a lifelong NFL and MLB fan (Cowboys/Dodgers) and sometimes fan of college basketball (Xavier). Rusty is... More about Rusty Weiss

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