Jim Harbaugh via Bussin' With The Boys YouTubeCredit: C/O

University of Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh recently attended the annual Plymouth Right to Life dinner where he declared his love for life and encouraged others to support the right to life.

Harbaugh was the keynote speaker at the event that was themed “We Were Made to be Courageous” according to Detroit Catholic.

“I believe in having the courage to let the unborn be born,” Harbaugh declared during his speech. “I love life. I believe in having a loving care and respect for life and death. My faith and my science are what drives these beliefs in me. Quoting from Jeremiah, ‘Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart. I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.’”

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He also discussed the recent Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade and an upcoming ballot question that could enshrine the right to murder unborn children in Michigan’s Constitution.

“Passions can make the process messy, but when combined with respect, it ultimately produces the best outcomes,” the University of Michigan coach said. “This process has been passionate and messy, but I have faith in the American people to ultimately develop the right policies and laws for all lives involved. I recognize one’s personal thinking regarding morality of a particular action may differ from their thinking on whether government should make that action illegal. There are many things one may hold to be immoral, but the government appropriately allows because of some greater good or personal or constitutional right.”

“Ultimately, I don’t believe that is the case with abortion,” Harbaugh professed. “Yes, there are conflicts between the legitimate rights of the mother and the rights of the unborn child. One resolution might involve incredible hardship for the mother, family and society. Another results in the death of an unborn person.”

Harbaugh would also state, “In God’s plan, each unborn human truly has a future filled with potential, talent, dreams and love.”

He added, “I have living proof in my family, my children, and the many thousands that I’ve coached that the unborn are amazing gifts from God to make this world a better place. To me, the right choice is to have the courage to let the unborn be born.”

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Harbaugh has been outspoken on his pro-life stance in the past. Back in 2020, Harbaugh spoke with Jay Nordlinger on his podcast, where he shared, “Even now, as we all go through what we’re going through now with COVID-19, I see people more concerned about others. More prayerful. As I said, God has virtually stopped the world from spinning. I don’t think it’s a coincidence.

“My personal feeling, living a faith-based life, this is a message or this is something that should be a time where we grow on our faith in reverence and respect for God. You see people taking more of a view of sanctity of life. And I hope that can continue. I hope it continues, and not just in this time of crisis or pandemic,” he added.

Harbaugh then said, ““And lastly, abortion. We talk about the sanctity of life, yet we live in a society that aborts babies. There can’t be anything more horrendous.”

What do you make of Coach Harbaugh’s love for life and the unborn?

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John F. Trent

John is the Editor-in-Chief here at Bounding Into Sports and also of its geek culture sister site, Bounding Into... More about John F. Trent

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