prince harry pat tillman
Screenshot: ESPN Youtube

Prince Harry has been a controversial figure since his marriage to American actress Meghan Markle and their “will they, won’t they” approach to being in the Royal fold.

He was faced with controversy yet again after it was announced that he would receive the prestigious Pat Tillman Award at the annual ESPY Awards.

Now, after receiving the award, he’s earning some plaudits for his acceptance speech.

Controversy Over Pat Tillman Award

The controversy over Prince Harry receiving the Pat Tillman Award began with the latter’s mother, Mary.

Harry, himself a 10-year veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan as an Apache combat pilot, earned the award for with his Invictus Games for disabled veterans. Still, Tillman’s mother thought it should go to someone more deserving and less privileged.

“I am shocked as to why they would select such a controversial and divisive individual to receive the award,” she said. “There are recipients that are far more fitting. There are individuals working in the veteran community that are doing tremendous things to assist veterans.”

“These individuals do not have the money, resources, connections or privilege that Prince Harry has,” she added. “I feel that those types of individuals should be recognized.”

Nevertheless, the award went through, and Harry’s speech impressed people.

RELATED: Prince Harry Left ‘Stunned’ By Backlash Over Receiving Pat Tillman ESPY Award – ‘Bitter Pill To Swallow’

Prince Harry Receives Pat Tillman Award

Harry started off his speech with a bang, immediately praising Mary Tillman for her work with veterans and her efforts to protect her son’s legacy.

The Duke continued:

“The truth is, I stand here not as Prince Harry, Pat Tillman Award recipient, but rather a voice on behalf of the Invictus Games Foundation and the thousands of veterans and service personnel from over 20 nations who have made the Invictus Games a reality. This award belongs to them, not to me.

“That said, it is of great importance to me to highlight these allies, athletes and their amazing families for their achievements, their spirit and their courage at every opportunity — especially on nights like this, in front of people like you. Moments like these help us reach those that need Invictus most and reduce more than 20 veterans a day taking their own lives in this country alone.”

Harry spoke of the bonds of brotherhood borne in the crucible of combat. And he ended by Anglicizing a Roman phrase important to Tillman’s Army Rangers:

Leave no one behind.

Watch his speech here:

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