Imagine being a pitcher on the mound as a member of the University of Central Florida’s baseball team.
It’s the top of the eighth inning against Oklahoma State, so the pressure’s on.
You’re doing everything you can to make this work and come out on top for your team.
And there’s a freakin’ rocket launch happening directly behind you.
It sounds like something made up, but it really happened recently.
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UCF Pitcher Prepares To Launch
The University of Central Florida (UCF) has close ties to NASA and is located just 35 miles from the Kennedy Space Center.
The close proximity of the two has even earned the school’s football stadium the nickname of “The Bounce House,” which “makes it so launches at Cape Canaveral happen in the distance beyond the 50-yard-line.”
That space element goes for baseball too.
Brobible reports, “However, it was a different team that stole the show on Friday. No college baseball program in the world has ever experienced anything cooler than what went down in the top of the eighth inning against Oklahoma State.”
The story continued:
Elon Musk’s company, SpaceX, placed its 6,000th Starlink internet satellite into Earth orbit. A Falcon 9 rocket launched from the Kennedy Space Center at 8:21 p.m. EDT.
Meanwhile, in that exact moment, redshirt freshman pitcher Kris Sosnowski recorded a three-pitch strikeout. As he threw down to the plate, Falcon 9 rose into the night sky directly behind him.
However, it was a different team that stole the show on Friday. No college baseball program in the world has ever experienced anything cooler than what went down in the top of the eighth inning against Oklahoma State.
Could you imagine trying to compete on the field as a UCF pitcher with that happening in the background?
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