Simmons College of Kentucky President Kevin W. Cosby made it very clear he wants Deion Sanders to fail at his new head coaching job at the University of Colorado.

Sanders accepted the head coaching job for the University of Colorado’s football program after leading the historical black college Jackson State University to a 27-5 record over three seasons and back to back Southwestern Athletic Conference (SWAC) championships.
Sanders led the team to an undefeated 12-0 record this past season.

Cosby reacted to Sanders’ move to Colorado in a series of tweets where he made it clear he wanted Sanders to fail.
First, he wrote, “This is why we need reparations! It takes money to compete. The whole integration agenda was designed to make white athletic programs great at the expense of black institutions. Shame one you Colorado! If you r not prime time for your people u r lame time.”

He then predicted that Sanders will not succeed, “Deon will not succeed at Colorado. It is the HBCU cultural experience that black students long for, something Colorado will never have. At Colorado he’s just another black coach at a PWI. Read the book, ’40 million dollar slaves’ by Rhoden.”

Next, Cosby accused Sanders of abandoning his people. He tweeted, “Market Luther King, Jr had a PhD n Philosophy from Boston University. He used it in 1955 to advance his people, poor black peasants. He died n Memphis doing the same thing. When blacks have success you will either advance your people or abandon your people. Deon chose the latter!”

He then declared that he wants Sanders to fail, “I want Deon to fail!!!!! HBCUS are for the black masses. Colorado is for the black classses. Carter G. Woodson has a whole chapter in ‘The Miseducation of The Negro’ on black professionals leaving black institutions. He said this is a classic example of miseducation!”

He further shared his opinion writing, “I take Deon’s departure personally. As an HBCU President, whenever I land talent either in sports or academia, PWIs who have more money attempt to lure them away. HBCUS don’t have the money. They reflect black wealth deprivation in general.”

He added, “The top 10 Predominantly white universities have a combined $330 billion n endowment. The top 10HBCUS have a combined endowment of $2.3 billion. The bottom 90 HBCUs have a combined have an endowment of of $1 billion. Colorado is exploiting the fact that Jackson come from slaves.”

Later, Cosby asserted that Sanders “comes off culturally like he is rooted in our struggle. He is not!”
He then added, ” It takes time to rebuild black institutions. You have to plant your mailbox in concrete. I know, because I am the only person n history to restore an HBCU. You have 2 love black people.”

Cosby continued to expound by accusing the University of Colorado of hiring Sanders as an example of white supremacy.
He tweeted, “Critical Race theorist Derrick Bell said ‘there will be temporary peaks of progress for blacks that will revert back to normal as white supremacy reasserts itself.’ What Colorado did was an example of White Supremacy reasserting itself over a black institution.”

After Sanders announced he accepted the job at Colorado, Cosby accused him of self hate.
He tweeted, “Deon said, in coaching u are either elevated or you are terminated. So are you saying that leaving an HBCU for a PWI is an elevation. A tragic statement of self hate!”

He then accused the University of Colorado of colonizing Jackson State University, “Colonialization is when a larger country extracts the resources of a smaller nation to enrich themselves, which results in the continued impoverishment of the smaller nation. Colorado just made Jackson State their colony.”

If that wasn’t explicit enough he then tweeted, “Colorado is a colonizer!!”

Cosby would eventually reiterate and expound on why he wants Sanders to fall, “I want him 2 fail because I want black institutions 2 succeed. HBCUs wealth like Black wealth has been plundered. The only reason Colorado lured him from Jackson State is because of the wealth divide. This is not about Deon personally, but why white institutions have all the $$$$”

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Cosby would delve a little deeper into the topic noting, “Black colleges will always b plundered because we can’t win a bidding war with white institutions. The minute we have a Deon who can build something for black people they dangle big dollars in front of them to lure them away. White churches are now doing it to black musicians.”

He would also double down on his accusation that the University of Colorado is engaging in white supremacy, “I want all forms of white supremacy to fail. Colorado using their power and wealth to extract from an HBCU the little we got is a classic case of white power and domination. I want it to fail!!!”

Cosby would eventually official statement through the Simmons College of Kentucky regarding his tweets about hoping Sanders would fail.
He explained, “When I said, ‘I hope he fails,’ I was using ‘he’ in the plural sense and not in the singular. The ‘he’ I was referring to is the entire system of inequity that prevents black institutions such as HBCUs from competing with predominantly white institutions.”
He further stated, “When Deion told his players in his farewell address that coaches are either ‘terminated or elevated,’ such language buys into the notion that leaving predominantly black space to work in predominantly white space is an elevation. Such language reinforces the myth of white supremacy and black inferiority. Even if Deion meant that the elevation to Colorado is a financial and visibility elevation for him, that begs the question, ‘Why can’t black institutions experience the same type of elevation?’ The answer lies in the resource and wealth disparity that exists between the black and white communities.”

Cosby goes on to state, “The reason the black community does not have wealth to compete is not because of what the black community has failed to do. Rather, we are the victims of centuries of economic oppression and exclusion through enslavement, Jim Crow, redlining, benign neglect, and present-day political indifference. HBCUs suffer, not because we don’t have competency, character, and capacity, as is often alleged; but rather, it is because HBCUs don’t have cash, connections, and considerations.”
He then asserts what he believes is the main problem, “Some conservatives vet the problem as one of morality and values, while liberals often reduce it to the lack of social integration. I submit that the problem of the black community is the breakdown of our community’s social infrastructure through the collapse of black institutions.”

Cosby further details, “The dilemma in any attempt to rebuild black institutional space is the minute black institutions successfully recruit a gifted person like Deion, white wealth and dollars often lure them away to predominantly white institutions in the name of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Black institutions are then blamed for being underdeveloped. Black communities are stigmatized for not developing black excellence when the institutions that are needed to attain black excellence are under resourced.”
He then further explains his comments about Sanders, “So, when I say I want ‘Deion to fail’ what I want to fail is not Deion personally, but rather the hemorrhaging of black institutional space. What I want to fail is the myth of black inferiority and white superiority. What I want to fail is the one-way, unilateral integration that says, ‘to be legitimate or elevated, blacks must enter white space, but if whites enter black space, it is a downgrade.’ What I want to fail is the continued economic deprivation of black institutions that are resource-deprived because of the continued legacy of past and present discrimination.”
He concluded his statement writing, “Black excellence depends on investment into black institutions rather than the extracting black talent to serve in predominantly white institutions.”

What do you make of Cosby’s comments regarding Deion Sanders and the University of Colorado?
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