Justin Jefferson may be one of the best targets in the NFL, but his latest celebration is being shot down by the powers that be
As one of the NFL’s greatest playmakers, Vikings wide receiver Justin Jefferson knows how to shoot the guns off when his team needs a big play. As the 2022 NFL Offensive Player of the Year, he’s already proven that he knows when to show how much firepower he brings to the game. But unfortunately, his recent display of such was enough to earn him a fine from the NFL.
A ‘Violent’ Celebration?
The sensational superstar is known for his over-the-top celebrations, and it’s already been established that he isn’t afraid to go far enough to be fined. And with three pro Bowls under his belt, he’s got the ammo to back up all that animated activity.
With that being said? The fine that Roger Goodell & Company just levied on Justin Jefferson might be a little too high caliber. Minnesota’s marquee player was docked $13,659 for unsportsmanlike conduct after “making a brief, gun-like signal at the camera”.
The NFL deemed Jefferson’s hand motions as a “violent gesture”, which led to the punishment.
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Justin Jefferson Is No Minnesota Menace
Jefferson has a total of four touchdowns on the year and two fines. So, the league certainly notices anytime he feels the need to bust a move when he breaks for a score.
All totaled? Justin Jefferson has been fined $24,586 this season on touchdown celebrations alone. So you have to wonder if the guy who shot off the guns might just have a target on his back.
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